Well, it’s a long story that you are going to read on. So take a long breath, go get some snacks.
It all started with an article posted by 4S7NYL-Iresha on the newspaper “Vidusara” which is a local science magazine. If my memory serves right, it was during the latter part of 2012. As a 19-year-old who is keen in tech- and electronics, I could not stop myself from going in search of what this Amateur Radio is all about, which was the plot of that newspaper article. In the process, I was able to get to know wonderful people like Victor-4S7VK and Wije-4S7VJ whom I treat as my Guru in Ham Radio.

On October 2012 I got the membership of Radio Society of Sri Lanka, as an associate member. Thereby I was open to a society of kindhearted and energetic people who had the real passion for ham radio in 4S Land. These were the times after my G.C.E Advanced Level Examination, so I had ample time to engage in activities related to ham radio.
The first time I pressed the PTT button of an HF/VHF Rig was during the “Sanjanani 2010” exhibition held at the University of Kelaniya. It was held on 18th December 2012. I volunteered at the RSSL Stall along with 4S7VJ and 4S7JL. I was really amused to see those beautiful TXRs and HTs and the way 4S7JL put up HF Dipoles throwing nylons at the Willow trees.
I came to know about Hamsphere in the meantime and was operating by the callsign 177HS163. But I always wanted the real thing, the real sense of radio; not in a simulated environment.
During the whole time, I was not even an SWL. I did not have a Rx. 4S7VJ once told that he listened to VHF transmissions by making some modifications to an old B&W TV during 1970’s. I too tried to do it but failed.
In the March 2013 4S6DHN– Angelo, one generous Naval Officer agreed to give me a homebrew Rx. I went to the Navy HQ at Colombo exclusively to collect it. But it never worked, not even with the Slim Jim that 4S7VJ made for me.
By this time I came to know with a very humble and young-in-heart man, Victor Goonetilleke- 4S7VK. He helped me in numerous ways in getting a VHF Rx first and guided me all the way to obtain my license. I was sending SWL Reports for Hams all around the country using the 4S5RM-made 2m Receiver which 4S7VK gave to me. Amidst all these happening in the home and number of QSL cards receiving, my parents were quite amused.

My humble shack when I was in my university dorm room.
Time passed by and I waited patiently to sit for the Amateur Radio Examination. I could not regularly attend the valuable classes conducted by 4S7VJ and 4S7KG, yet I managed to listen to the discussion of past papers and other related queries that too was done by 4S7VJ via the Yatiyanthota repeater-145.625MHz.
I sat for both Novice (4S5) and General (4S6) class examinations and had passed both. After the MOD clearance, I got my license on 29th April 2015.
Link to Vidusara article (http://www.vidusara.com/2012/10/10/feature2.html) is broken. There is a copy at https://web.archive.org/web/20121204173616/http://www.vidusara.com/2012/10/10/feature2.html .
Thanks Sahan