Workshop at University of Peradeniya

Sri Lanka | IOTA AS-003 | ITU Zone 41 | CQ Zone 22
A workshop & competition by the name of TuneIT was organized by the IEEE ComSoc Student Chapter – University of Peradeniya was held on 7th December 2022.
I, 4S6TMP along with Nuwan 4S6NRE and Shamim 4S6SCO participated in it as resource personnel representing the Radio Society of Sri Lanka.
Undergrads from the Engineering Faculty showed great enthusiasm in the Fox hunt and antenna building competition that was held during the event.
They also had QSOs with several hams on 2m and 40m frequencies. Victor 4S7VK gave excellent introduction into the hobby and discussed a few technical matters over the radio waves.
4s6tmp 2022 amateur radio application aprs assembly awareness cw electronics examination fldigi fox ft8 gear GW Instek ham radio hamradio hunt jota JSON miniproject morse oscilloscope PCB POST projects rae repair restoration review satellite Solved speedx test thermal camera tool ts50s uhf Uni-T UTi 260B uyue 946c weather workshop wsjt-x wspr
4s6tmp 2022 amateur radio application aprs assembly awareness cw electronics examination fldigi fox ft8 gear GW Instek ham radio hamradio hunt jota JSON miniproject morse oscilloscope PCB POST projects rae repair restoration review satellite Solved speedx test thermal camera tool ts50s uhf Uni-T UTi 260B uyue 946c weather workshop wsjt-x wspr