UNI-T UTi260B max out at 200℃? SOLVED
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Kenwood TS-50S ‘Beep’ in receive mode : Fixed!
My TS-50S Transceiver started behaving abnormally recently. After a brief diagnosis I found out that the Part No. J102 was shorting its cloves from inside. Let me share the symptoms and some repair images if you also come across the...
Now QRV on Hamshack Hotline
4S6TMP now available on Hamshack Hotline via HH Number 3300000036.
Measuring Coax loss with NanoVNA-F V2
It's been a while since I last posted something here. Recently, I measured the insertion loss of a couple of coaxial cables that I had using my NanoVNA. I wanted to select a feeder cable for a 20m dipole. I...
GW Instek GOS-6112 Oscilloscope repaired after a power surge
GW Instek GOS-6112 Oscilloscope repaired after a power surge My GOS-6112 went kaput due to a power surge. But how? I plugged the scope to a lose socket while the power switch was pushed ON. It must have generated some...
Cloud function to test HTTP POST request with JSON document
Postman Screenshot I had to write a cloud function to send some JSON data (nested arrays) to a Google Cloud Platform HTTP endpoint and record the response. I am not a web/software developer so had to do quite some work...
4G Data rates compared
SLT 4G & Mobitel 4G Datarates compared I compared the up/downlink data rates for Mobitel 4G and SLT 4G after they merged. Location: Ganewatta, Kurunegala. I used Ookla Speedtest app on mobile for this comparison. Now I know why can't...